New Research Points to Wuhan Market as Origin of Covid-19
Two studies point to live mammals sold at the Huanan Wholesale Market as the source.
Two studies point to live mammals sold at the Huanan Wholesale Market as the source.
Another eastern state has detected domestic cases of the virus affecting both wild and domestic rabbits.
A recent news article described how researchers are using drones to better track the health of blue whales, humpbacks and even orcas using the technique they refer to as the Snotbot Program.
State and Federal partners are working jointly on additional surveillance and testing in areas around the affected flocks.
Successful applicants should be registered in a course or program that requires a practicum placement in animal husbandry or wildlife rehabilitation.
The area was under heightened surveillance following detection of CWD in neighboring Mississippi.
The first ever GARD Conference to be held in Knoxville, TN from August 4th – 10th, 2022.
Data collected from GPS collars will guide research on moose population health, mortality, and dispersal
Researchers have found skin pH to be more acidic in captive vs wild bats of a species, suggesting environmental impacts – potentially roosting substrates – on skin pH, and this may be reflected in wild bats using varying roost types across seasons.
Under the direction of the Wildlife Division Deputy Director, the Wildlife Division Veterinarian is responsible for developing and managing all aspects of the Division Wildlife Health Program