Post Tagged with: "Graduate Programs"

Bighorn Sheep Disease Research-MS Graduate Assistantship, South Dakota State University

South Dakota State University, South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks, and Washington State University are recruiting a motivated M.S. student to explore the role of chronic shedders of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae in respiratory disease persistence and transmission, and annual lamb recruitment in bighorn sheep.

PhD Assistantship in Amphibian Disease Ecology at the University of Vermont

The University of Vermont, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources is seeking a Ph.D.-level graduate student to conduct research on community disease ecology in an amphibian system

Tufts MS in Conservation Medicine Program-Informational Webinars

Tufts MS in Conservation Medicine Program-Informational Webinars

Learn more about the Master of Science in Conservation Medicine (MCM) Program at Tufts through these upcoming informational webinars.

September 4, 2020 Graduate Programs, Student Opportunities
Ph.D. Research Assistantship in Deer Population Genetics & Chronic Wasting Disease- North Dakota

Ph.D. Research Assistantship in Deer Population Genetics & Chronic Wasting Disease- North Dakota

The Darby Ecological Genomics Lab at the University of North Dakota, in partnership with North Dakota Game and Fish, is seeking a Ph.D. student for a wildlife genetics research project. The goal of this project is to identify deer population genetic structure to help reduce the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease.

MS or PhD position in Waterfowl and Avian Influenza Spatial Ecology- Univ of Delaware

MS or PhD position in Waterfowl and Avian Influenza Spatial Ecology- Univ of Delaware

The student will help conduct research on a multidisciplinary project to better quantify waterfowl (dabbling duck and geese) daily movement patterns on the Delaware/Maryland Peninsula and build a near-real-time waterfowl mapping web application for Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) surveillance to improve food security in commercial poultry in the Mid-Atlantic.