Post Tagged with: "Webinars"

Wildlife Disease Association/European Wildlife Disease Association Joint Virtual Conference 2021

Wildlife Disease Association/European Wildlife Disease Association Joint Virtual Conference 2021

The Virtual 69th WDA – 14th EWDA Joint Conference will be held Aug 31- Sept 2, 2021 and organized around the topic “Managing Wildlife Diseases for Sustainable Ecosystems.”

Webinar: Urban Wildlife Projects

Webinar: Urban Wildlife Projects

A FREE Zoom webinar offered through the Wildlife Disease Association and The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine!

Virtual Student Workshop: Conservation Medicine, One Health & Wildlife Diseases

Virtual Student Workshop: Conservation Medicine, One Health & Wildlife Diseases

Hosted by the University of Georgia, the purpose of this workshop is to provide beginner through advanced content on the fields of conservation medicine and One Health to a variety of students.

Free Online Course- Bats, Ducks & Pandemics: An Intro to One Health Policy

Free Online Course- Bats, Ducks & Pandemics: An Intro to One Health Policy

This interdisciplinary course will cover diverse subjects such as basic epidemiology, public health, public policy, basic microbiology, food safety, and security, zoonotic diseases, sanitation and hygiene, antimicrobial resistance, environmental and ecosystem health, and the national and international organizations that oversee health, agriculture, and the environment.

September 29, 2020 Training Courses, Webinars & Presentations
VIN Course: Conservation Medicine & One Health

VIN Course: Conservation Medicine & One Health

The Veterinary Information Network (VIN) is offering a new online CE course in Conservation Medicine.

Webinar Series: Highlights of Comparative Hematology

Webinar Series: Highlights of Comparative Hematology

Whether you want to brush up your hematology skills, be amazed at the similarities (and differences!) in hematology among all species, or just sit back and relax and learn something new, join this webinar which will be presented by the UMiami Avian & Wildlife Lab.

July 21, 2020 Webinars & Presentations
Ethics on the Wild Side- Raptor Academy Webinar

Ethics on the Wild Side- Raptor Academy Webinar

This webinar provides an overview of animal ethics and welfare and using ethical frameworks and welfare assessments to help guide decision making. There will also be an opportunity to discuss current conundrums involving raptor and wildlife rehabilitation.

The Wildlife Society Virtual Symposium Session- Wildlife Health in a Changing Climate

The Wildlife Society Virtual Symposium Session- Wildlife Health in a Changing Climate

This symposium will highlight examples of how climate change is influencing pathogens and their wildlife hosts, and will address how the wildlife health paradigm will need to shift to integrate dynamic, novel stressors into a more holistic view of wildlife health. Speakers will expand the concept of health from solely focused on disease status, to a framework that considers all determinants of health for a wildlife population or community.

Webinar: Studying & Managing Maine’s Moose

Webinar: Studying & Managing Maine’s Moose

Join Maine’s moose biologist Lee Kantar to learn about the status of Maine’s moose population, the adaptive management study, how winter tick are threatening moose, and the next steps.

June 11, 2020 Webinars & Presentations
Special WHOI Webinar: Corals in Crisis: How Scientists are Racing to Stop a Deadly Disease

Special WHOI Webinar: Corals in Crisis: How Scientists are Racing to Stop a Deadly Disease

Special webinar presented Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI).

June 3, 2020 Webinars & Presentations