Training Courses / Webinars & Presentations

Free Online Course- Bats, Ducks & Pandemics: An Intro to One Health Policy

This free, learn at your own pace, online course is offered by Dr. Laura Kahn, a physician and research scholar with the Program on Science and Global Security at the School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University.

Course Description:

“This interdisciplinary course will cover diverse subjects such as basic epidemiology, public health, public policy, basic microbiology, food safety, and security, zoonotic diseases, sanitation and hygiene, antimicrobial resistance, environmental and ecosystem health, and the national and international organizations that oversee health, agriculture, and the environment. Disease outbreaks including Influenza, Q fever, and Ebola will be discussed. While the course was developed and recorded before the COVID-19 pandemic, the concepts learned very much apply to it. This course emphasizes holistic, not siloed, approaches to health, and disease.”