Post Tagged with: "bats"

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Skin pH Varies Among Bat Species and Seasons and Between Wild and Captive Bats

Researchers have found skin pH to be more acidic in captive vs wild bats of a species, suggesting environmental impacts – potentially roosting substrates – on skin pH, and this may be reflected in wild bats using varying roost types across seasons.

January 20, 2022 News

Grad Student/Postdoc Opportunities in Wildlife Disease Ecology & Evolution

The Becker Lab at the University of Oklahoma is actively recruiting graduate students and postdocs to join and expand research projects on the ecology and evolution of infectious disease in wildlife.

Postdoc Position: Disease Ecology of Bat-Virus Relationships- University of Arkansas

The lab of Dr Kristian Forbes at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville is searching for a 2-year postdoctoral researcher to work on the disease ecology of bats in east Africa.

August 20, 2020 Job Postings
Countcolors, an R Package for Quantification of the Fluorescence Emitted by Pd Lesions on the Wing Membranes of Hibernating Bats

Countcolors, an R Package for Quantification of the Fluorescence Emitted by Pd Lesions on the Wing Membranes of Hibernating Bats

The purpose of this study was to create and validate the R package, countcolors, for quantifying the distinct orange–yellow UV fluorescence in bat-wing membrane lesions caused by P. destructans (white-nose syndrome).

July 21, 2020 Research & Publications
Bat Monthly featured story: Developing a Probiotic Approach to Reduce Severity of White-Nose Syndrome in Bats

Bat Monthly featured story: Developing a Probiotic Approach to Reduce Severity of White-Nose Syndrome in Bats

Researchers in Canada are investigating a probiotic prophylaxis for the prevention of WNS.

June 12, 2020 News
First report of white-nose syndrome deaths in North Dakota bats

First report of white-nose syndrome deaths in North Dakota bats

North Dakota Game and Fish issued a news release reporting the first documented WNS deaths in the state’s bats.

May 25, 2020 Current Disease Events, News
Plasma proteomic profiles differ between European and North American myotid bats colonized by Pseudogymnoascus destructans

Plasma proteomic profiles differ between European and North American myotid bats colonized by Pseudogymnoascus destructans

The differences in plasma proteomic profiles between European and North American bat species colonized by Pd suggest European bats have evolved tolerance mechanisms towards Pd infection.

May 11, 2020 Research & Publications
Amid pandemic, bat biologists change course

Amid pandemic, bat biologists change course

COVID-19 has affected everyone, and wildlifers are no exception. In this series, TWS is looking at challenges facing the profession due to the pandemic.

May 5, 2020 News
COVID-19: Risk of Reverse Zoonosis to Bats?

COVID-19: Risk of Reverse Zoonosis to Bats?

US Fish & Wildlife Service and the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies recently put out directives advising researchers and rehabbers to temporarily suspend all activities involving the handling of live wild bats.

May 1, 2020 News