Job Postings

Post Doc in Disease Epidemiology- Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit

Application Deadline: October 5, 2020

Start Date: November 2, 2020

“We seek a postdoctoral researcher to be part of a research team evaluating spatial epidemiology of West Nile virus (WNV) in ruffed grouse throughout Pennsylvania. This research is funded and supported by the Pennsylvania Game Commission.

The overall goals of this project were to (1) assess landscape-level occurrence and abundance of the primary vector for West Nile virus statewide as index to WNV, (2) build predictive models of environmental and demographic covariates that help explain vector abundance at the local- and landscape-level, and (3) provide management guidelines in the form of a user-friendly app or program to the Pennsylvania Game Commission for ruffed grouse population most at risk for WNV based on results from 1 and 2 above that were recently completed.

This research focused on integrating data collected over several years and statewide on factors that influence abundance of WNV in mosquito pools within urban and rural habitats throughout Pennsylvania and the impacts of the virus on ruffed grouse populations.”